While at Times Square (Berjaya), we chanced upon a video store somewhere. I can't describe it here because I have no idea where the hell things are located at BTS due to its funky layout, but its somewhere along where they have this bazaar thingy. Somewhere around this area:

So anyway, I was dying to watch the fourth season of 24. I have managed to somehow abstain from it for the past few months, in the aim of watching the season in a marathon run. And guess what, they had 24!
Hence I asked him how much it would cost.
Ah Beng: 90 ringgit. (he later claimed he said 95 ringgit, I don't know if he bullshitted me or whether I misheard.)
Me: Original?
AB: Of course
M: Oh okay. I'll be back later
-Fast forward several hours-
M: *Picks up box* I would like this, please.
*AB walks to a cardboard box* *Red flag alert*
M: Eh, how come the DVDs are like that? I've bought them before and they come in a nice foldable storage space.

How my Seasons 2 and 3 boxsets look like.

Look at this shit, it sucks in comparison. I later found out that the originals sold here are packed like that. Phhft.
AB colleague: Different company. *Red flag*
My mind: What different company? What the hell?
AB puts the DVDs inside the casings and into the box, and I gingerly pay for it. We go out, have a little discussion, and I return to ask AB to play the DVD for me. It looked to play normal, so I accepted it. He refused to give me a receipt. I almost wanted to return the fucking boxset there and then, but my desire to want to watch it somehow overrode logic.
A short while ago, I decide to start watching the first few episodes, so I popped the first DVD in. Holy fuck, the opening cinematic looked familiar! So I repeated it, and my face turned red as I recognized the opening cinematic from season 3. And so were the pictures used for the main menus, I recognized almost every single one of them. I shouldn't have been able to if I hadn't watched season 4 yet. WTF. I popped in more DVDs at random. The season 3 opener played and more season 3 pictures were seen!! And on top of that, some of the episodes opened with some TV logo clearly seen on the top left of the screen. KNNCCBMCH WHERE GOT ORIGINAL. And at least one DVD isn't working at all ($)&!*(#%&*!#%&, and the quality isn't what I have seen of the previous seasons.
I took a closer look at the boxset. URGH.

Mistakes mistakes mistakes all over!
The Complete Four Season? What the heck? I should have seen that earlier! But I did not. And what the hell is that DTS logo doing on the spine of the plastic boxes? A check at Borders a while later showed that the four covers would form an image together. But this? What the hell!!
Take a look inside the box:

Can someone tell me what the hell is wrong with the DVD print? And about how the DVDs are simply kept like that? Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
I am NOT happy. I want the original original. Maybe the AB thinks that all that I want to see are just the main clips. Fuck no! I love these series too much that I will give it the support it rightly deserves. I am going back in a day or so, and I hope I can resolve this and get my money back, receipt or no. Lesson learnt on my part though; it was too cheap to be true. Bah.
Update: I managed to get a return on it, in exchange for several typical DVD9 discs. I have also gotten my hands on a proper original copy of Season 4 from the UK.