Lo and behold, who could have thought that the British are as efficient as Malaysians? Let me quote the following incidents:
My mobiles. Two cases for this. I requested that both my mobiles were to be unlocked from Vodafone in mid June. For your information, certain phones which are 'network exclusive' can be used for only that network; to get it to be used elsewhere you need to unlock. For a fee. Guess what? I still have not gotten my codes.
Case one: I requested the guys at the Vodafone store to unlock for me phone #1 a week before I was to go back. Over two weeks later, no news had come so I was forced to make a long distance call. After waiting for over 10 minutes, I finally spoke to the guy at the other end who told me that the assholes in the store
did not process my order. Naturally my button got triggered and I had to control myself extremely hard from using profanity. At the end of it though, I bloody ordered him to go ahead with the unlocking, which he said would take one week. Its now been 10 days and no sign (I called back 2 days ago and the stupid person said it would take 14 days. WTF????)
Case 2: My other mobile. Also Vodafone, but under a different company called Singlepoint. No worse company when it comes to after sales support. I requested my unlocking code
over a month ago but it never came. I was forced to make a long distance call to them.
Guy: Just a second, I'm taking a look at your order
Me : Sure
Guy: Can I have your IMEI number please?
Me : *finds phone and rattles off IMEI number*
Guy: Ahhh, the IMEI number you passed to us was wrong (only one of
the digits though). That's why we couldn't process your request
Me : *losing temper* Excuse me, I gave your company my e-mail
address so that you can notify me of my unlocking code when it was
obtained. (WHY THE FUCK) Couldn't your company have
informed me of that problem?
Guy: We're sorry.
Me : I don't care. I expect my code within 2 weeks at latest
Guy : This will take *gets cut off* (wanting to say '3 weeks to process')
Me : I want my code in two weeks. Your company should have fucking
of such problems. You have my bloody e-mail address, no?
Guy: I cannot guarantee that sir.
Me : Well I don't care. Your company fucked this up. Put a note down
along with the order dammit.
Fortunately I have access to another mobile for the time being. I was supposed to have passed it to another friend, who is buying it, last week. I need the stupid codes grrraahhhhh!! No more fucking Vodafone for me anymore. Good thing too, I tend to associate M.U. with Voda.