elb's hovel of thoughts

Sunday, April 10, 2005


*Knock knock*

'Come in!'

L: Hullo.... did you cook fish for dinner?

M: *blur look* I cooked chicken for dinner, not fish!

L: I could smell it all the way from my room just now... and I thought it was coming from your kitchen!

M: Oh, it must be the belacan that I cooked with my chicken just now!

L: Sounds familiar, what was that already?

M: Some sort of dried shrimp paste.

L: Oh... I thought that it smelt a little bit familiar! We thought we smelt a dead animal, and we (she and her boyfriend) were going to investigate it on our way out....

M: Awww, surely you've tried it before when you were growing up in Malaysia

L: Well, the school next to us used to cook it before, and the smell would drift over to XYZ International School, and half the school would be deserted!

M: Aww... it's good stuff!

L: *slightly doubtful look* Maybe! Anyway we're going out now. Tatah!


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