elb's hovel of thoughts

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Vendéglő a Zsákbamacskához (Zsákbamacskához Bistro)

It was still raining when we reached this restaurant, as recommended by a hotel staff. Zsákbamacskához apparently is the name of a cat cartoon character, or something to that effect.

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The signage outside

The restaurant was located in the basement:

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Because it was raining, it was empty despite it being a Friday night. Do note the way they keep their bottles towards the top of their bar!

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One of the starters was a dumpling soup topped with cream

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The dumplings were hidden somewhere inside...

A main dish of catfish cooked in some tomato tinged sauce, served with lots of steamed vegetables

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Another main dish of grilled goose liver with steamed apple slices and potato croquettes. The croquettes were absolute classic; the apple slices complemented the rich slices of gooses liver (which unfortunately wasn't of foie gras standard, but at 13 euroes, you can't expect foie gras).

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We had a dessert of somli with chocolate sauce, but no pictures sorry.

And a little souvenir taken from the restaurant:
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There you go, a little picture of the aforementioned cartoon character in that postcard

Vendéglő a Zsákbamacskához
Lovag utea 3
1066, Budapest


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